8 Lessons
Every true Christian knows the joy experienced when God’s life is placed in his heart when he is born again. Sadly, it is common to find Christians who have lost their first love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Important questions to ask are: Is my spiritual life becoming extinguished? If so, how can I get out of this spiritual condition, advance, and remain in God?
King David was a man who preserved an ardent love for God throughout his life, and fulfilled the desire of God’s heart in making his life a dwelling place for Him through divine praise and worship. In this course, we will learn the biblical principles of a praise and worship that pleases God, and we will study the most important secrets that operated in David and must operate in the lives of those who desire to maintain a continuous and intimate communion with the Lord. The truths presented in this course on how to seek and find God through music, are very near to His heart, for He longs to have a love relationship with His people.
Pastor Marvin Byers