8 Lessons
Life does only not consist of thinking about being raptured to the third heaven. In reality, our life is determined by our love for others, and the best way of expressing that is through the love toward our children. This walk is an experience that includes the small, day-to-day circumstances—changing diapers, preparing a bottle, and laughing and crying with children. God has given the complete responsibility and privilege of raising children to parents, and along with that responsibility, he has also provided what is necessary to successfully attain that goal: the backing of God himself, the Bible, and the wise counsel of His servants.
In this course, we purpose to review some important points in raising children such as: fellowship with others, friendship with children, children’s role in the home, firstborns, praise of children, favoritism, and other topics. This will be a study that will give us the basic principles for the teaching and training of men and women for the Kingdom. What inheritance will you have in eternity through your children?
Pastor Jerry Alway